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Overcoming Overwhelm: Finding Time for What Matters

Have you ever reached Friday and wondered where the week went and were confused about what you did or should have accomplished? Many people experience overwhelming feelings of not knowing what to do next and anxiety about running out of time. A very common cause is that we try to keep everything stored in our heads. 

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of tasks, responsibilities, and deadlines that come our way. We all underestimate the impact of not having a structured system for capturing these deliverables outside our minds.

Memory Capacity Has Limits

When we rely solely on our memory banks to store important details about appointments and deliverables, it can quickly lead to chaos. The sheer volume of commitments can overwhelm even the most organized individual. Our thoughts become jumbled as we struggle to remember every deadline or specific detail associated with each task.

By entrusting everything to our memory alone, we risk losing track of crucial requirements altogether, which is stressful. Misplaced priorities and forgotten assignments become potential landmines waiting to detonate when least expected. 

Step One: Capture All in One, Accessible Place

Capturing your deliverables in a central location outside your head provides clarity by creating a repository for all essential tasks and obligations that can be reviewed at any time, letting your brain focus on other things. This can be in paper or electronic format. We’re a fan of an electronic solution like MeisterTask that can be accessed from your phone or computer to review, change status, and add new tasks on the fly. Having deliverables organized allows for better planning, prioritization, and allocation of resources.

TOP TIP: Once established, making a habit of adding new items here as they come in will make each entry much less time-consuming. 

Step Two: Schedule and Plan

Once you have identified all your deliverables in one place, it is equally vital to schedule dedicated time slots for working on these tasks. By proactively mapping out this work in your calendar or planner, you’ll gain a better understanding of what lies ahead, not just for this week but also for future weeks. It will also help you visually comprehend how much time is required for each task or project within its broader context. This holistic perspective allows you to gauge workload capacity accurately while avoiding overcommitment or unrealistic expectations.

TOP TIP: This can take more time than you think – so be sure to schedule a block of time as an appointment with yourself. 

Setting Priorities, Creating Balance

Setting aside focused time slots fosters productivity by eliminating guesswork about when and how much effort should be applied toward different responsibilities throughout the day or week. You can allocate uninterrupted periods according to priority levels while ensuring ample breaks between intensive work sessions – optimizing both efficiency and wellbeing.

Regain Control of Your Week

Capturing all your deliverables somewhere external provides organization and clarity. Scheduling dedicated work sessions to manage them offers an increased understanding of your weeks ahead, empowering efficient planning while maintaining a balance between productivity and personal wellbeing. As your weekend draws to a close, consider implementing this strategy in the week ahead. With thoughtful planning and careful scheduling, it’s possible to regain control over your time and tackle everything with confidence.

This is easier to write about than it is to do, so feel free to reach out with your questions or for assistance.

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