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Think about your office, wherever it may be, and ask yourself if the organizational structure – the workflow and paper flow of that space truly supports your work style and lets you perform at your best. If not, ask yourself what is one thing you could change to make it better. 

Key Areas to Consider:

Space Layout
A little backache from a poor set-up or a messy desk can really slow down the wheels of industry. 

  • Is your workstation ergonomically correct?
  • Do you have enough lighting? After I turned 40, I put another desk lamp on my desk :)  
  • Are regularly accessed items easy to access?
  • Do you have adequate and organized storage to support a clutter-free space? 

Administrative Work
Some love it and some don’t. Being organized can reduce the overall time spent on admin duties and give you more time for other things

  • Do you have an adequate filing system? 
  • Do you know where to find important documents?
  • Do your software system and accounting procedures allow for quick processing of payables and immediate invoicing?
  • I need another one Deanne 

Incoming Paper Management
Paper can pile up quickly. The visual clutter and stress of knowing you must deal with it eventually can derail your creativity.

  • Do you have a place in your office, a system that you trust, to put incoming papers, notes, and documents until you process them (like a holding pen)?
  • Do you regularly process your holding pen to keep it at a manageable volume?
  • This can apply to both digital and physical paper management

Email, Calendar and Task Management

These practical tools are often combined in software suites because they work well together. They should allow you to keep anywhere you work clear, improving your ability to focus and providing literal space to work.

  • Have you created or chosen systems you can access from your phone or computer?
  • Do your workflow systems allow you to clear your inbox or eliminate sticky notes by scheduling, tasking or sorting items? 
  • Do you have a centralized system that allows you and your team to view and manage tasks?
  • Do you feel in control of these tools at all times?

If you get organized and create workspaces that allow you to work more efficiently, you will also feel more inspired, and confident that you can achieve your goals. Start by writing down three things that you find inspiring. 

What motivates me to organize my workspace: 

  1. _____________________________
  2. _____________________________
  3. _____________________________


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